Friday 18 December 2015

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Spoiler Free Review

So I've been crazy about the Star Wars movies ever since I can remember, mainly because my Dad grew up on the original trilogy and passed the love onto me. I watched all 3 prequel films in the cinema and pretty much every year on Christmas morning I would wake up to a tonne of Star Wars toys and PlayStation games. My absolute passion has been continued onto this film, I've waited 10 years since Episode 3 to finally watch a new instalment to the Star Wars franchise and I wasn't disappointed at all with Episode 7, in fact it exceeded my expectations and left me speechless, so let's get onto the review.
For me The Force Awakens combined both elements that were loved from the prequel and original trilogy. A notably strong point for this film was the special effects which were literally mind blowing, I've never seen such a beautiful use of both practical and computer effects combined together. The practical characters were extraordinary, creating a real depth to the new planets we were introduced to. Also the motion capture characters were done with pure care and perfection, the crew members behind the special effects really deserve Oscars for their craftsmanship. 

What I was most happy about with The Force Awakens was that it created a mass amount of nostalgia but it wasn't afraid to advance the universe. Bringing back some old cast members but also bringing in some new talent was a very smart move on the film maker's behalf.

I really enjoyed the new characters that were brought into the movie, Finn has the potential to become a new fan favourite with his charisma, humour and also bravery and loyalty. Rey is a good reminder to us of how the most unexpected of people can become a force to be reckoned with, Daisy Ridley absolutely perfected the role. Poe Dameron was another favourite of mine, even though he's a completely new character he seems as if he was straight out of the original trilogy, he's friends, sarcastic, funny and incredibly talented (Think of Han Solo mixed with Wedge Antilles). And by far my favourite character from the new episode is Kylo Ren, at first I question why Adam Driver was cast as a Star Wars villain, I didn't feel so positive about it, but after watching it I take back any doubt I had in Adam Driver, he had everything nailed in his performance, and easily has become possibly my favourite villain in movie history, he gives a depth to the character that we can both sympathise for but also despise, at some points I wanted to turn him into bantha foddder, and then sometimes I wanted to give him a blanket some blue milk to let him now everything is okay. And for BB-8 who has definitely played an important role in marketing the film, if you don't already love him you definitely will after watching the movie.

The performance that grabbed me the most though was from Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux who is the new Grand Moff Tarkin of the trilogy, in one section that is shown in the trailer he is giving a speech to his army of storm troopers, and the speech he gives is seriously one of the best movie monologues I've ever seen, really reminiscent of Nazi propaganda, I really couldn't figure out how Domhnall Gleeson gave such an incredible speech driven by so much anger, emotion and passion, he is seriously an actor to be keeping your eyes on, because he's without doubt going to shoot into stardom after this role. 

I really can't say much about the film without giving away any spoilers but all I can say is if you want to go see a movie with perfect acting, cinematography, visual effects, sound that will also make you feel 8 years old again, what are you waiting for? /Get down to your local cinema and feast your eyes on a great movie and I'm counting down the days already for Rogue One and Episode 8. 

I would rate Star Wars The Force Awakens - 10/10


It makes up for the bad prequel trilogy, no seriously, it's that good that I have no memory of Jar Jar Binks anymore. 

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