Tuesday 15 December 2015

Weekly Indie News - 15th December 2015

So I've decided to do a weekly shout out to some upcoming indie films, some news etc. So here's the first post for Weekly Indie News.

For all you science fiction fans this one is for you! In the indie movie world the sci-fi genre is difficult to get right because of the budget that needs to be spent on special effects. But Outpost looks like it goes beyond the regular expectations of indie sci-fi movies. The trailer is beautifully crafted with precision and care and does well in setting a tone that I hope is dragged out into the final movie. It's my first time hearing from director and writers Justin Giddings and Ryan Welsh, but I have high expectations that they'll nail this and I can't wait to see the final outcome in 2016!
Outpost Trailer - https://vimeo.com/108843332
Website - http://www.outpostthefilm.com/

Created by writer Loredana Gasparotto Pentimento looks like it's going to be one of my favourite movies of the past few years in terms of style. Visually reminding me of films such as Run Lola Run and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, my expectations for Pentimento are really high and I really look forward to seeing the outcome!
Website - http://www.pentimentofilm.com/

The Ratcatcher
A film by a friend of mine that I'm really excited for is The Ratcatcher, currently in the production stage the film has both striking visuals and a creative and dark narrative. Following the lift of a man known as The Ratcatcher who hunts down people who turn their backs on the mafia, the creative use of characters and dialogue is something I haven't seen in a long time. Follow the @critical_cinema for updates on the movie.

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