Sunday 20 December 2015

My Next Project - Indie Film - Tundra

So I haven't gone out and worked on a film in almost two years, since then I've worked on a lot of scripts to develop myself as a writer, and I believe that I've come a long way. So I think it's about time that I go out and work on a film that will push me to my absolute limits both mentally and physically. So I thought I'd give you guys a little insight into what I have planned for my next project.

The title of my next film is "Tundra" and is a story of a man, Steven Todd who has recently lost his wife to cancer and seeks to fulfil her final wishes which is to spread her ashes in her favourite place on their next anniversary.  Steven takes it upon himself to walk miles through a vast tundra in the middle of winter to honour his late wife. Is his love for his wife stronger than the elements that he has to go up against.

I've been working on the script and screenplay for this movie for almost a year and I think that it's time for it to become a full feature. I've never worked on a feature but I've worked on 4 shorts and I think it's time that a push myself to my limits. The whole film will be shot on set in the Cairngorms region of Scotland, hopefully at the end of January/Start of February. The Cairngorms is notorious for being the snowiest region in the U.K averaging 76.2 days of snow every year. Along with the snow and a rural landscape full of mountains and forests, the movie will push the limits of anything I've ever done and I couldn't be more eager to take on such a task. And produce a visually stunning movie.

But I'll need YOUR HELP to achieve this, I will be starting an Indie Gogo campaign within the next 2 weeks, with rewards such as Tshirts, jackets, signed copies of the original screenplay, video updates from the set, and the chance to be in the credits as "Executive Producer". Anyone who makes a donation over £50 will also feature in the credits under a section "With Special Thanks to". The target goal is £25,000, which will go towards covering the crew, accommodation throughout the shoot, equipment hire, distribution, film festivals, travel and most importantly a good cast to drive the film.

Here's a preview of the poster, if you donate £30 you'll get a signed A2 poster from all the cast and crew and a personal thank you letter from us.
Thank you for any support, it means the absolute world.

-Twm (Director and Writer at Critical Cinema)

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