Friday 27 November 2015

Who's Going to be the Next James Bond?

Daniel Craig has done a great job portraying the classic movie character 007, but his time is going to have to come to an end sooner or later. Here's my top picks for who I want to be the next James Bond.

Michael Fassbender

When I first got asked the question about who I want to see as the next James Bond, the first actor who came into my head was Michael Fassbender. I mean come on look at his performance in Inglorious Basterds, he was an Englishman disguised as a Nazi, that is basically a bond movie, and he absolutely nailed the role. Females love him, he's intelligent, he's charming, he's funny and I would pay good money to hear Michael Fassbender asking for a Martini.
I think because Michael Fassbender is such a diverse actor he could bring a side to 007 that we haven't seen before, he's able to go from playing a good guy to a bad guy really fast, and I think this would make for a good Bond storyline.
If I could choose any actor to play 007, I would definitely give Michael Fassbender a call.

Idris Elba

I know that Idris Elba has been rumoured for James Bond but a lot of people disagreed because Idris Elba is black. Why should that matter? I would absolutely love to see Elba to play Bond, again females love him, he's intelligent, he's charming, he's funny, he has all the potential to be the next Bond. And just listen to his accent! If I could perfectly describe Bond's voice, I would say Elba. Do I want to see Idris Elba driving an Aston Martin? Yes! Do I want to see Idris Elba jump out of a helicopter? Yes! Do I want to see Idris mess up a Bond villain? Yes! And most impotent of all, do I want to see Idris Elba order a Martini? HELL YEAH! Listening to his accent saying "I'll have a Martini, shaken not stirred" will probably be the most satisfying moment in film history. Do I want to see Idris Elba portray the infamous 007? Yes I definitely do.

Damien Lewis

His performance in homeland is very bond-worthy, but the only criticism I have for Damien Lewis is that he reminds me too much of Daniel Craig, as much as I love Daniel's portrayal of Bond I would much rather see an actor brining something New to the table, and I don't think Damien Lewis has that capability.

Benedict Cumberbatch

I bet you were all waiting for me to mention our British favourite Mr Cumberbatch. Yes he's charming and is a more than capable actor to play Bond, and I definitely won't be disappointed if he is chosen as the next 007. But for me I think Cumberbatch would give us a much more incredible performance as a Bond villain rather than James Bond himself.

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy's rise to stardom was out of nowhere, and for good reason too, he's probably one of the best actors to have come out of the UK, but with performances such as Mad Max and Bronson, I think Tom Hardy is much more suited as a rugged anti-hero than James Bond. But I would definitely love to see him in a Bond film, maybe as a flawed double crossing agent that is close to Bond because I think that could make for a good story, but I don't think Tom Hardy would be a satisfying enough Bond for me, but I wouldn't complain if he is.

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