Tuesday 5 January 2016

Who Is Supreme Leader Snoke - Star Wars Episode 7

So Supreme Leader Snoke is probably the biggest mystery from the new Star Wars movie, with a lot of speculation and theories about who , lets discuss some of the possibilities what I think.

So one of the most popular rumours and theories is that he is Darth Plagueis, the sith lord that trained Darth Sidious. It would be a major plot twist if this is the case and would bring a lot of interest to the new trilogy.
 Star Wars 7: Official Images of Supreme Leader Snoke & Maz Kanata
Here's what I think, I believe there's a large chance that Snoke is in fact Darth Plagueis and here are my reasons

We already know that Snoke is ancient, he's old and his age would definitely match up to that of Darth Plagueis. So you're probably asking "Doesn't Sidious tell us that Darth Plagueis was killed" and you'd be right in saying so but there are two possibilities here:

  1. We know that Darth Plagueis could create life and save other's from dying but apparently not himself. But what if Sidious was unaware of Darth Plagueis' full potential in the force and he could in fact save himself from dying. And after Sidious' assassination attempt, what if Plagueis slowly brought himself back to life.
  2. Why should we believe Sidious? We already know that Sidious is probably the most manipulative villains in cinema history, why should we take his word as fact? What if Darth Plagueis never died? And he lied to make sure his old and weak master was safe from the harm of the jedi. It's possible that Plagueis has just been left to strengthen over time, safely away from the jedi, and now that Sidious is dead, he's come back to bring power back from the sith?
So all you die hard fans are probably getting but hurt over him not looking like a "Muun" but why does that matter? The only mention of Darth Plagueis' race is in the expanded universe, which has been confirmed to be no longer relevant. So we don't know the race of Darth Plagueis, he's only described officially as a "male sith lord". So that argument is weak.

But for me the most definitive reason is in the soundtrack. Star Wars are known for dropping hints in their soundtrack (the famous one at the end of episode 1) so it wouldn't be a shock if they did it again. Now listen to both tracks by John Williams and notice the incredible similarity. They sound almost identical, and that is definitely not a coincidence.

Listen to the background music
Darth Plagueis (Episode 3) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05dT34hGRdg
Supreme Leader Snoke with Kylo Ren Star Wars 7: Official Images of Supreme Leader Snoke & Maz Kanata

Only the writers know the answer at this point, so nothing is definitive, but it's cool to think about. This is all what I think anyway, you could think something completely different. (Unless you think it's Jar Jar Binks, then you're just wrong on so many levels)

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