Monday 11 January 2016

New Suicide Squad Picture Arrives; David Ayer Talks Batman & The Joker

In addition to the still, Suicide Squad’s writer-director David Ayer also had a few things to say, starting with why bad guys are so much fun.

“We all need good guys and everything — yay, good guys — but at the end of the day, they’re kinda boring. They’re always going to do the right thing. When you’re dealing with the baddies, it’s easy to get ahead of the audience and invert expectations.”

And for anyone who was wondering, Jared Leto’s Joker is likely to be just as grandiose and wonderfully unhinged as many have hoped him to be. According to Ayer, the Joker is “the king of planet Joker”. Ayer also shared a little of his insight on what exactly it means to play a role in helping to develop the DCEU, and why it isn’t as simple as linking one film to the next, while also throwing in a little dig at Marvel’s post-credits scenes.

“For me, it’s a little more than just dropping a cut scene in the end credits to link projects… You really have to be thinking three movies downrange and how today’s movie will impact more later-cycle projects.”

Lastly, Ayer delved into Batman’s character in the film, as portrayed by Ben Affleck. Judging by these comments, one could be excused for feeling that Batman himself is straddling the line between good and evil – a turn that could fully reveal itself in the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

“We made Ben Affleck fight… He’s awesome as Batman, You really sense that but for the grace of God he himself would be doing some really foul stuff out in the world.”

Though anticipation for Suicide Squad does remain high, many fans were somewhat let down by the announcement that the film would be rated PG-13. It does seem odd that after extolling the virtues of baddies, Ayer would make something that plays to a young audience. Given the fact that Marvel’s upcoming Deadpool has gone with an R rating, it’s hard to see how a movie about the “Suicide Squad” can aptly live up to its name with a family friendly rating. Regardless, rating isn’t everything and with the cast this movie boasts, its chances of success remain strong.

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