Wednesday 2 December 2015

Black Mass - Review

With an all star cast including the renowned man of many faces Johnny Depp and everyone's favourite Englishman Benedict Cumberbatch, this crime drama was set for success from the word go, it definitely did not disappoint.

Depp plays south Boston wiseguy James “Whitey” Bulger, whose heyday was the 70s and 80s. With his bald head and weird blue eyes, Depp’s Bulger is a fully paidup sociopath with a groany-deep voice like Ray Liotta in GoodFellas. His brother, Massachusetts State Senator Billy Bulger, is played with a cat-that-got-the-cream smirk by Benedict Cumberbatch: Billy effectively manages what only be described as the political wing of Whitey’s organisation.

The Bulger boys grew up in the same Irish-American community as ambitious FBI agent John Connolly, played by Joel Edgerton, who gives Whitey virtual immunity from prosecution, in return for supposedly valuable “intel” on the Italian mafiosi in the North. Bulger’s mob fiefdom is simply down to this shabby deal, and not to any supposed Napoleonic charisma. Depp, Cumberbatch and Edgerton give richly absorbing performances of preening macho self-regard and self-delusion – this is a shrewd study of the way gangsters are symptoms of corruption, acted with confidence and verve.

Overall I'd give it a 8/10, A great and thrilling story line, and a handful of incredible actor performances this is definitely in the running for film of the year.

Watch Black Mass today, you'll be leaving the place more than satisfied.

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